Monday, November 29, 2010
Shutterfly Rocks!
Well, I am long overdue for a post. Life has become a little hectic, and blog-writing seems to have fallen by the wayside. However, I have big plans to change this....look for an updated site and fresh material sometime after the holidays!
But for now, I want to tell you all about this amazing promotion I heard about from another blogger. Are you familiar with the AMAZING website, Do you have a public blog? Do you like free things? If you answered YES to all three, this promotion is for you! Now through December 31, all bloggers who participate by doing a write-up about can earn 50 FREE holiday cards. Who doesn't like free things? And if you are like me, the fact that it is from Shutterfly is a double-bonus. To date, we have a huge album store on the site, from which we periodically print photos. In addition, I have made 4 photo books (which are an awesome way to commemorate a special occasion or milestone), 2 mugs (one for Jeff and one for me, each featuring Liam) and a 2010 calendar (I have big plans to order another for 2011). The website features amazing pricing compared to other sites, and the deals abound this time of the year. Not to mention, the site is extremely user-friendly. So, what do you have to lose? Check them out at, or on the main site ( You'll become a Shutterfly-fan just like me, I promise. : )
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Persnickety First Snippety

Thursday, April 1, 2010
Hello...? Is It Me You're Looking For?
I promise to post photos soon (for real), but for now here is a brief update:
Liam is now a very precocious 10 1/2 month old. His personality is developing at a lightning pace, and I find myself ruminating on how absolutely ADORABLE he is at least ten times a day.
Me: Did you see how he grips onto the front bar of the stroller, like a big boy? He is SO cute!
Jeff: (chuckles) Yes, hon.....he is cute. Just like he was cute when he sneezed an hour ago, and when he crawled into the kitchen holding a funnel a half hour before that.
Me: Whatever.
(Obviously, Liam gets his adorable nature from his Mama.)
Every day, it seems, Liam has picked up a new skill. He now knows how to:
* wave bye-bye (when he feels like it)
* play "So Big!" (he raises his arms as though he is Moses, parting the Red Sea)
* crawl like a wild man
* walk along furniture (though he is getting more brave about not holding on as tight)
* strut along while pushing his little walker (we still think he is on the brink of walking on his own)
* says "Mama" (on occasion), "Dada" (pretty frequently), "Baba" (for bottle), and as of yesterday, "Bop" (which we are pretty sure was in response to us making fun of his little 'burp')
A few of Liam's favorite things:
* Books, books, books (he LOVES being read to, especially Brown Bear, Brown Bear and his Sandra Boynton books)
* chewing up said books (we've already had to replace two)
* destroying any towers or structures that Mama and Daddy have built for him
* trying to sneak into the bathrooms when he thinks we aren't watching (what is SO interesting in there??)
* Being sung to (his current faves: Busy Little Bee, My Liam Lies Over the Ocean, Stinky Toes, The Nigh-Night Song and The Bathtime Song. All of these are nonsensical songs made up by Mama, which doesn't bode well for his future taste in music.)
* Going for stroller rides or spending ANY time outside
* Pulling Mama's cookbooks off the shelf
* Crawling the loop around the kitchen, dining room and living room, all while making little motor noises
He is turning into such a funny, happy little boy.
Man, are we lucky. : )
Friday, February 19, 2010
Nine Months
Seriously. SO. CUTE.
Liam had his nine month appointment on Tuesday, and here are the stats:
Weight: 21 lbs. 2 oz. (60th percentile)
Height/Length: 29" (75th percentile)
So it appears that his weight is sloooowwwly catching up with his length, which we sort of suspected. At any rate, we have about 1 inch to spare before our little monkey can no longer fit into his infant a-shopping we must go for a convertible version. I am SO not ready for that!
Doctor Rhodes-Dekko also said that Liam is doing so well, eating perfectly for his age, and that he is also very advanced in his gross motor skills. "I hope you two are prepared for an early walker," she said with a grin.
Um, what??!!??
Ok, so we suspected as much, but's hard to imagine that Liam will be toddling around the house in the not-too-distant future. Luckily, he's already kept us pretty busy with his hopalong style of crawling, which has definitely picked up speed over the last couple of weeks. : )