Liam Asher- Getting bigger every day!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Persnickety First Snippety

This past Saturday, at 11 months + 1 week old, Mr. Liam had his first haircut. We thought it would be a disaster, as he is generally wary of a stranger holding scissors and buzzing clippers to his fuzzy little head surely would lead him to a meltdown.

That kiddo always manages to surprise us.

Doesn't he look dashing? : )

Then, Liam's stylist asked if she could give him a little baby mohawk, since we had asked her to leave his hair a little longer on the top (ok, that was MY request...I wasn't ready to totally give up his long flowing locks!). Apparently, Liam was just barely containing himself until this point, because here is what happened next:

Doesn't that sad little face just break your heart?

Luckily, however, Liam survived. : )

When did my baby become a boy? *sigh*

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Hello...? Is It Me You're Looking For?

I know I don't need to state the obvious, but yes, I have managed to slack off on my blogging duties for the entire month of March. I had the best intentions, but every time I thought about posting an entry I would realize that I still needed to upload the accompanying photos. And then I would get caught up in something else, forgetting to upload said photos. And then I would get mad at myself for forgetting. Repeat, repeat, repeat.....and now it is April 1.

I promise to post photos soon (for real), but for now here is a brief update:

Liam is now a very precocious 10 1/2 month old. His personality is developing at a lightning pace, and I find myself ruminating on how absolutely ADORABLE he is at least ten times a day.

Me: Did you see how he grips onto the front bar of the stroller, like a big boy? He is SO cute!
Jeff: (chuckles) Yes, hon.....he is cute. Just like he was cute when he sneezed an hour ago, and when he crawled into the kitchen holding a funnel a half hour before that.
Me: Whatever.

(Obviously, Liam gets his adorable nature from his Mama.)

Every day, it seems, Liam has picked up a new skill. He now knows how to:

* wave bye-bye (when he feels like it)
* play "So Big!" (he raises his arms as though he is Moses, parting the Red Sea)
* crawl like a wild man
* walk along furniture (though he is getting more brave about not holding on as tight)
* strut along while pushing his little walker (we still think he is on the brink of walking on his own)
* says "Mama" (on occasion), "Dada" (pretty frequently), "Baba" (for bottle), and as of yesterday, "Bop" (which we are pretty sure was in response to us making fun of his little 'burp')

A few of Liam's favorite things:

* Books, books, books (he LOVES being read to, especially Brown Bear, Brown Bear and his Sandra Boynton books)
* chewing up said books (we've already had to replace two)
* destroying any towers or structures that Mama and Daddy have built for him
* trying to sneak into the bathrooms when he thinks we aren't watching (what is SO interesting in there??)
* Being sung to (his current faves: Busy Little Bee, My Liam Lies Over the Ocean, Stinky Toes, The Nigh-Night Song and The Bathtime Song. All of these are nonsensical songs made up by Mama, which doesn't bode well for his future taste in music.)
* Going for stroller rides or spending ANY time outside
* Pulling Mama's cookbooks off the shelf
* Crawling the loop around the kitchen, dining room and living room, all while making little motor noises

He is turning into such a funny, happy little boy.

Man, are we lucky. : )