Here is my belly, photographed one week ago at 36 weeks, 2 days. I literally don't think it is possible for me to get any bigger than this....but now I may have just tempted fate with that remark. ; )

Jeff thought it would be funny to take this picture of me in the entrance of Babies 'R Us.....notice anything interesting? ; )

I cannot believe how quickly time is flying by.......only 19 days until my due date!! Wow!!!
Farrah, Jeff and Sprout
37 weeks, 2 days.................EDD May 16
1 comment:
So do I rain on your parade about how big you can get? =) Thankfully you are a cute pregnant lady. Unfortunately, the last week or so is when all the water weight sneaks in. You definitely tempted Fate. Fortunately you tend to lose that pretty quick after the baby is born.
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