I just had to share this image that I managed to capture of one of Liam's first smiles! His eyes are closed because the little orange blinky light on our camera went off right before I snapped the photo, so it caught him off-guard. ; )
Ok, seriously....is he not the cutest little boy ever??? I just want to squish his little cheeks! And that smile makes my heart melt....
Liam also reached a milestone last night......he slept from midnight to 5:00pm, without waking for a feeding! Five whole hours.....that's definitely a first! At first I panicked......after all, we are used to him waking up every 2-3 hours to eat (the same schedule he during the day). But then I realized, what the heck am I complaining about? : ) He is getting bigger every day it seems.....and I know the next milestone is just around the corner. The mommy in me wants him to stay little forever......but I also can't wait to see what he does next! : )
Farrah, Jeff & Liam
Lucy did the same thing. It was out of the blue, she slept 5-6 hours... and then a few days later... it was the whole night! I hope that happens for you too.
I have to say that I am jealous. Owen didn't sleep for that long of a stretch for quite awhile. He is now, finally, starting to sleep from 8-5 or 6. Heaven. Although, I have to admit that it can be tough on me since I am still breastfeeding.
BTW - Liam is super cute. I told Val I was going to try to get down to the Cities to visit with you and her. Hopefully it works out so I can see the little guy (and you) in person.
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