This year, we spent the actual Christmas holiday (eve and day) with Jeff's family. Even though his parents only live about 15-20 minutes north of us, the impending storm convinced us to pack a few (ha!) bags to spend the night, so we didn't have to make the trek back the next day. I'm so thankful that we did, as the storm created a landscape that was both icy and miserable. Despite the weather, most everyone was able to make the drive, and we had a wonderful time (and TONS of food)!
Mom & Dad Wiberg (and Jacob!) enjoying their gifts on Christmas Eve....

Christmas Day dinner was lively, with many members of the Wiberg extended family....(donning hats from our party poppers!)

King Liam says, "Where's my dinner???"

Back at home on Sunday, December 27th we received some very special surprise visitors....our dear friends Mary and Lindsay, in town from New York! This was the first time we had seen them since they moved to NY over a year ago, which also made it the first time they had met Liam (as well as our house).
(Liam, as you can tell from this photo, was absolutely giddy with excitement. ; ) )

The lovely Christmas weather caused a slight delay in my parents' arrival from ND (they arrived on Monday the 28th, rather than Sunday), but they made it in one piece to celebrate a late Christmas with us (as well as with my sister Laura and her family) over the New Year's holiday. Laura hosted the festivities at their home 10 minutes down the road, and it was lovely...though as was the case the previous week, we ate WAY too much! (We all decided that we made waaaayyyy too many treats this year, so next year will be scaled back a bit (tighten those belts!). I love holiday baking, so this will be a challenge for me....though less stressful than figuring out a schedule in which to bake 7+ treats!) 
Liam's first Christmas was a toy-a-palooza....!
As with any baby, nothing that resides under the wrapper is ever as much fun as the wrapper itself. : )
Alex and Gabe, looking SUPER stoked about the winter activities we picked out for them (actually, they were excited....the next day found them out in the drifts!)
The ubiquitous bow-on-the-head photo (can you tell that Liam was teething?)
"Mmmm.....trucks are TASTY.....!"

Jeff, looking dapper as always....
Jeff M and Laura....looking cozy
Getting ready to dig in to our "Christmas" dinner....
Mom & Dad (aka "Grandma & Grandpa") Haase get silly with our boy....

Gabe, Liam and Alex....completely adorable, and will probably give us a run for our money someday....!
The boys with Grandma and Grandpa (or as Gabe and Alex call them, "Bubba and Dobby")
Laura the card shark (is she cheating?)
Alex and I dueling on the Wii (and yes, he kicked my butt)

Daddy and Liam, ready for takeoff!

The lovely Christmas weather caused a slight delay in my parents' arrival from ND (they arrived on Monday the 28th, rather than Sunday), but they made it in one piece to celebrate a late Christmas with us (as well as with my sister Laura and her family) over the New Year's holiday. Laura hosted the festivities at their home 10 minutes down the road, and it was lovely...though as was the case the previous week, we ate WAY too much! (We all decided that we made waaaayyyy too many treats this year, so next year will be scaled back a bit (tighten those belts!). I love holiday baking, so this will be a challenge for me....though less stressful than figuring out a schedule in which to bake 7+ treats!)
"Hello, doggie...."

Liam's first Christmas was a toy-a-palooza....!

Jeff, looking dapper as always....

Gabe, Liam and Alex....completely adorable, and will probably give us a run for our money someday....!

Daddy and Liam, ready for takeoff!
And in the blink of an eye/shutter flash, the holiday season was over. We had so much fun, and are so thankful for the time we spent with everyone (as well as for your generosity!).
Here's to an even better 2010!
Farrah, Jeff & Liam
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