Liam Asher- Getting bigger every day!

 Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Social Lives of Infants

Liam and I recently met up with our buddies in Mom & Baby group at our friend Susan's house in St. Louis Park. Not everyone was able to make it, but we still had a great time! Now that our babies are becoming much more mobile, it was entertaining to see them play together, rather than just laying on the floor, staring at one another. : )

"Whatcha doin', Momma?"

Upon spotting a toy, Liam the Bulldozer barrels over anything and anyone (poor Simon!)

in his path....


Vivi and Claire looked adorable and content, but Liam was apparently a bit disgruntled...

Claire to Liam: "You're cute, but this toy is MINE."

Simon was content with his barnyard friends.....

And Liam kept his busy little self entertained for some time going through the rabbit hole...

It is difficult to believe that our babies are growing so big, so fast. Remember when they were just a bunch of little squishers, laying around and cooing?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow Farrah, that older picture sure took me back! They have grown up so much :) You got some great pictures of our time together...I love the one of Liam crawling right over Simon! Thanks for sharing!