I guess the inspiration for us to start this in the first place was our journey TTC (trying to conceive, in layman's terms) over the past year. After trying for nearly a year, we finally got our wish on September 5th.....when we found out that we were FINALLY expecting our much wished for baby! Though the road felt long to get to that point, we couldn't feel more blessed.
What started as this.....
....Quickly grew into this:
(8 weeks, 3 days)
And then, this:
(11 weeks, 2 days)
Despite battling with a few mysterious bouts of bleeding in the first trimester (which, thankfully, have disappeared), we have made great strides since that last ultrasound. I am now currently 21 weeks along, and well into my second trimester. Every monthly appointment we've had has shown that our little pumpkin is growing at a healthy rate, with a strong heartbeat. It's hard to believe how quickly the time has flown by! And in just a few days (on January 7th, to be exact), we will FINALLY find out if we are on Team Pink or Team Blue (aka. whether we are having a girl or a boy). So far, all voters (except for Jeff's dad) are convinced that we are having a girl......so it will be interesting to see how this plays out. Either way, we will be so happy to (hopefully) hear and see that our baby is doing great!
Coming soon.....some lovely belly shots (you know you love it).....
Farrah & Jeff
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