Jeff and I had our big ultrasound on Wednesday afternoon. The whole appointment went so well! It was really cool to see all of baby's different parts, like the four chambers of the heart, the different sections of the brain, etc. Everything looks great (all organs are coming along nicely, no cleft lip, etc.) and baby is measuring perfectly. Baby is currently weighing in at approximately 1 pound, and is about a foot long! I have to go back for one last ultrasound at 28 weeks, because my cervix and the placenta are too close together right now, so they want to monitor it again at that point to make sure they are positioned correctly.
We almost didn't get to find out the "big" news, though.....even though baby was active and kicking (after all of the OJ I ingested in the morning to get baby moving!), baby was FACE DOWN and BUTT DOWN, with legs and feet tucked under! It wasn't until the nurse almost gave up after an hour, and then rolled me onto my side, that we FINALLY got the shot we needed. is the result:

Can you believe it?? As many of you may recall, Jeff and I had been thinking that we were having a fact, EVERYONE (except for his dad and my friend Amanda) thought the same thing! I had actually been mentally preparing myself for the last few weeks (I just had a gut feeling that we would all be wrong on this one!) that we were probably having a boy....but even so, we were still floored!!! I must have had some sort of a delayed intuition, though, because whenever I have daydreamed about our baby in the past week, it has been a boy (as in, thinking about boy's names, about him growing up, etc.). And Lord knows we have a lot of experience with boys, with four nephews! But above all else, we are completely thrilled.....we have a healthy baby boy on the way, and he will be the light of our lives!
Jeff videotaped the whole ultrasound, so I can't wait to go back and watch/hear our reactions when the nurse told us the news. Maybe we'll even post a bit of the video in the next few days. : ) Here is a photo of what our nurse referred to as one of the best 'money' shots she has ever seen....seriously, there is NO denying what the gender of our baby is!

Now it's time to start getting serious about baby names, since we were waiting until we received the news to get going on it. This part will be kept a secret from everyone, though....Jeff and I want to have it just be our thing for now. And actually, we plan to narrow our list down to two names....and then decide on which name best suits our baby boy after he arrives. So for now, we are trying to come up with a good nickname for him, so we don't have to keep referring to him as "baby". (haha)

Ok, even though he looks a little bit like an alien baby from this angle, don't you just love that little smile?
That's it for now.....we'll post again soon!
Love, Farrah, Jeff & Baby
21 weeks, 6 days
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